Lumbar spinal canal stenosis

Lumbar spinal canal stenosis:

For various reasons, this canal may narrow and put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots.  For various reasons, this canal may narrow and put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. The most common part of the spine that has this problem is the lumbar region.

Lumbar spinal canal stenosis

What causes lumbar stenosis?

Lumbar stenosis is actually part of the aging process of the spine and usually manifests itself in the age of over 60, in some milder and in some more severe .Over time, bone growths gradually form around the joints of the spine and the edges of the spinal canal. and the ligaments lose their flexibility and increase in size. thus narrowing and narrowing the spinal space by protruding into the spinal canal.  they do.

There is a kind of congenital lumbar stenosis that the shape and structure of the vertebrae is such that it limits the space of the spinal canal. These people usually do not realize this at a young age, but with the onset of middle age and when the aging process of the spine begins. and in fact at a younger age than other people show symptoms of the disease.

What are the symptoms of lumbar stenosis?

Naturally, the aging process of the spine will be accompanied by pain in the lower back.  This pain is exacerbated by activity and walking. Gradually, with the creation of stenosis, a sign called “lameness” shows itself.  In this way, after walking for a distance, the patient feels pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the legs and can no longer continue on his path unless he sits and rests for a while until the so-called “legs are released”.

In addition to resting, sometimes bending forward creates a feeling of relief from foot pain, and patients with canal stenosis tend to stand up after a short walk and lean forward. The important thing is that in most patients these symptoms are progressive. This means that if they need to rest now after a quarter of a walk, six months ago they could have walked for half an hour non-stop. and in the following months they will probably have to find a place to sit after ten minutes.


Another symptom seen in some patients with lumbar stenosis is sciatica.  Sciatica is not really a specific disease, but a type of symptom and pain in which the pain starts in the lower back or buttocks and extends to the back of the thighs and knees and then the legs and ankles.  Sciatica usually develops or increases in these patients with activity and walking.

In the advanced stages of the disease, back pain, leg pain and tingling in the legs are almost always present and the patient is unable to move or walk and may even lead to urinary and fecal incontinence and paralysis – or so-called “paralysis” – of the legs.  To be